Wednesday 13 June 2012

Parc Cwm Darran Wordless Wednesday Walk!


  1. You live in the most gorgeous place, we are so jealous. We gave you an award at our blog today if you want to come check it out

    urban hounds

  2. Hi Frank , nice walk and lovely views , we just need some sun now!
    Best wishes Molly

  3. Howdy Frank,

    LOVE those babies ducks! Did you talk to any of them?

    Is that your dad sportin' a Mohawk? Cool...

    We tell you this every time you post pictures from your live in the most beautiful area and it's dog friendly as well!

    You are just so handsome sitting on the bridge and smiling at me....

    Thanks for taking us along.

    Drools and licks,
    Minnie, Mack and foster Mario

  4. Darn Frank... that is a GORGEOUS place fur walkin.

    PeeS.. Did you get all 3 of the emails that I sent to the Hosts???

  5. Hey Frank, what a lovely walk! your photos are always so nice!
    sorry about the delay in your tshirt... Ma hasnt been home much... i will make her finish it soon!
    lovely to see your walking piccies!
    lots of love Reggie xxx

  6. Hey Frank!
    Wow, what a fun place to go walkie! Those duckies are so very cute, but I gotta admit I'd try to bash them. BOL. ahem. Anyway, that place has a strange name, but it sure is beautiful. Love that bridge and the steps.
    Grr and Woof,
    Sarge, COP

  7. I just wanted to say Hi, Frank! And thanks for always taking me with you on such great walks.
