Friday 10 June 2011

Flashback Friday!!!

It's Friday and the weekend is almost here! I love the weekends, they are all about me!!
This weekend Dad is on his Stag Party and he will be away all weekend, I'm going to miss him soooo much!! It's just me and Mum which is nice because I will snuggle up to her and look after her and keep her safe, she will walk me and play with me almost all day and we will watch movies in bed together and I will get to sleep with her in Mum and Dads bed at night! So as a tribute to Dad here are some "Flashback Friday" photos! Have a great weekend everybody!!!

Me and Dad - I was just a tiny puppy and could sit on his shoulder!

I'm cuddled in to Dads arm, he wishes I was still small like this!

I look so tiny and cute!

I like to climb all over Dad and on to the sofa now too!

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