Wednesday 21 September 2011

Hide and Seek!

I play hide and seek from Mum and Dad then decide to have a little nibble on Dads flowery shorts.

I try and hide in Dads fold over clothes drawer - then I smell his shorts so have a nibble and try to drag them out to play with them.

Caught red handed by Mum – Ooops!
Check out my ears, it’s how I look when I get shocked, it’s like I’m gunna fly away! Ha,Ha,Ha!!


  1. Luckily for my mom I've never gotten into that habit...but it's never too late to start, huh? Heehee!

  2. Oops! You got caught! Love the ears when Minnie's are like that, too.

    Drools and licks,
    Minnie and Mack
