Looking through the fence is like a metaphor for my life ....

I feel like the year has gone by so fast, Autumn is almost here and I'm stood sniffing the falling leaves.

Walking over the bridge, its a really nice walk around the Boardwalk.

I like to listen to the stream babbling away and smell all the different woodland smells in the air.

Whats this? Smelling fur from another dog on the floor, I wonder what happened?

Through the fence and on to the other side ...

Walking along the boardwalk.

I really enjoying my little strolls with Mum wer walk for hours on the weekends and over an hour at nights.

I'm all the way down here Mum!

The Red Berries.

The changing colours of Autumn.

The leaves of change ...

They are so beautiful, a true sign that Autumn is coming!

swimming and drinking the fresh water stream, I love it here when the weather is hot.

I really enjoy the walks we have but soon the nights will be dark soon so I'm really making the most of it now, in the coming weeks I plan to have lots of long walks with Mum and Dad because I love to spend time with them!
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