I will not be able to write on my blog for the next ten days!
I am going to have my castration operation and overlapping tooth removal and will be needing lots of rest, lots of kisses and cuddles off Mum and Dad during my recovery and they have to keep me calm and safe. I have to wear a big lamp shade on my head for the whole ten days of my recuperation.
I am going to have my castration operation and overlapping tooth removal and will be needing lots of rest, lots of kisses and cuddles off Mum and Dad during my recovery and they have to keep me calm and safe. I have to wear a big lamp shade on my head for the whole ten days of my recuperation.
When I come back I am sure that there will be lots of photos to put on here so I hope that you will look forward to that!
Please send me healing thoughts with lots of love as I am very scared!
Please send me healing thoughts with lots of love as I am very scared!
Thank you to you all for keeping up with my little puggy blog - I hope to see you all soon!
Love you (all) Frank XxX xXx XxX xXx XxX