Wednesday, 7 January 2015

Looking Back on 2014 (Pawt 2)

July was jam-packed full of excitement!

Mum and Dad took me to Sully beach winch was full of pebbles....

...and had a washed up pirate ship.

Mum was proud of herself in July when she turned the bramble patch at the bottom of the garden where Ernie liked to pee into a beautiful patio with herb plants.

I enjoyed watching her pot the plants.

It was a nice place to sun myself in the summer.

The arrival of Daddys Mum's dog Coffee stirred things up.

So many nice walks in the glorious weather

Look how happy I was!

Auntie Ashley saw a REAL bunny.

Sam, Pete and Ernie came over for a pawty....

Mum toasted marshmallows while Ernie loved to cool his furs in the pawddling pool.

The Coal walk was great, really enjoyed the summer.

I enjoyed a paddle in the lake and relaxing time with Mum.

Ashley played "Walking Bingo" which was fun

We were on the look out for a lot of things on a bingo sheet.

I found a pop top and called "Bingo!"

More fun with Ernie but we had to take care of his tail.

Swimming with Ernie.

August came and the walks were wonderful...

Me and Mum took a walking break with some treats on a rock!

The leaves began to fall....

Mum made Madi's Momma's delicious Cornbread!



  1. It looks like you had a GREAT year cousin Frank. It's good to look back and remember just how much funs you had and boy, you had loads and loads of funs!
    Luffs you smile!
    Loves and licky kisses
    Princess Leah xxx

  2. What wonderful summer memories. And summer will be back before you know it!

    Hap-Pee WindsDay!

  3. You do so many fun things with your family. Hope you have a picture memory book
    Lily & Edward

  4. Frank you certainly do have a mostest EXCITING and Educational and FUN life... THANK you fur taking us down MEMORY Lane.... it is FILLED with some GRAND ones fur SURE...

  5. More great photos of fun times! I think you need to share that cornbread recipe with us!!!

  6. Frank I hope 2015 is equally as exciting and becomes your bestest year ever!!!

    Love, Gampy

  7. Frank buddy, you lead an exciting life with a wonderful family AND fantastic walking trails!

    Your Pals,

    Murphy & Stanley

  8. What a wonderful year for you Frank! Be sure to stop by and meet our new family member!
    Mr Bailey, Hazel & Mabel

  9. Hey Frank!
    Wow, what a pawesome year full of fun and adventures! Love your Mum's new garden and those pix of you swimming in the lake. Ahhhhh.
    Grr and Woof,
    Sarge, Police Commish

  10. Your year was soooo full of fun and smiles,,, and I wish that again for all of you!
