Monday 30 September 2013

The Autumn Leaves...

The Autumn Leaves fall from the trees so tenderly .... I really enjoy this time of year!

The leaves are all crunchy and are all such beautiful colours

Walks in the Autumn time are so beautiful

Its starting to get cold now and we are making the most out of the light evenings before it gets dark.


  1. We too are making the most of it Frank and of course hunting squiggles. Have a marvellous Monday.
    Best wishes Molly

  2. We must be on the same autumn schedule, Frank, coz my leaves do be looking just like your leaves way ofur there on the udder side of the big pond.

  3. We are just starting to get the leaves a fallin here, love your pictures...
    stella rose

  4. Hi Frank, we are so glad to have you as a new furiend! It is just cooling down here and soon our leaves will be falling too. You live in a beautiful place.
    Bailey, Hazel & Greta

  5. Hiya Frank! You have such wonderful things to say about Fall. I have to agree with a lot of it - great smells in the air, crunchy leaves, cooler weather equals more walks, and so on. But I do so miss the warm evenings, the long sunny days, and the lazy feeling you get when the warm breeze wafts over you. I guess being from California makes me more of a Summer Girl. On your advice, though, I am going to try and embrace the Fall. . . and then maybe I will be able to also embrace the Winter.
    Love Noodles

  6. Hey, just like us! We are gonna save up our leaves if dad lets us, so we can jump in them!

    Your Pals,

    Murphy & Stanley

  7. FRANK..... your Furs Colors Blend RIGHT IN with the fallen leaves!!! THAT is soooooo cool. We are missing the Hours and Hours of beautiful SUNSHINE too. It makes us so SAD. BUTT having YOU fur a FUREND makes us HAPPY though.

  8. You blend right in with all those fall leaves!

  9. Those crunchy leaves are such pretty colors!
    Benny & Lily

  10. It's not cold enough yet for our leaves to start falling. BUT I know it's coming!!
