Wednesday 19 November 2014

Dog Holiday 2014 ~ Pawt 3

Walking Adventure.

Gorgeous Buildings.

This was in the middle of a maze, it was huge, we walked for ages to get inside, I loved it, I took short cuts squeezing through the holes in the trees!

Sam asks which way she should go??

Dad almost out of the maze.

Me running around like crazy enjoying myself.

Bee Hives.

Me and Mum loved it in the gardens!

I was really interested in all the statues, the fancy bushes and the little ponds!

We even saw some donkey furiends!

What a wonderful walk!


  1. Hey Frank!
    Wow, you and your peeps go on the most amazing holidays! I'd love to come along with you sometime and share the sights with you. Gosh what cool gardens and you got to see bees and donkeys too. I'd pack my own bag and bring my own treats if I could just go along next time. :)
    Grr and Woof,
    Sarge, Police Commish

  2. BTW: You did a great job walking out on that dock in the water! That looks like a lot of fun to me.

  3. Thanks again for the wonderful pictures. That place looks like Harry Potter could live there! We have a few "medicinal" plants in our garden: sweet woodruff, foxglove, and different kinds of mint. Of course these are in the front yard where we doggies can't get them.

  4. Gorgeous pictures and vacation spot.
    Beeware and the darling donkey....made us smile
    Hugs madi and mom your bfffs

  5. Fantastic! I don't even know if a place around here that is so beautiful
    Lily & Edward

  6. Hi Frank and B.Ernie.... we HATE to do this butt our MOM wants to tell you some thingys... SORRY... OK... we are turning this over to our mom now...

    Hromum Famni OH STOP MOM.... just TYPE and the words will come right out...

    Alright Frankie, I will try. HELLO Frank and Bionic Ernie...
    This is Frankie and Ernie's Mommy. I wanted to tell you that I think you have wonderful parents. They are so YOUNG to be so sophisticated in their taste for all things BEAUTIFUL and NATURAL and INTERESTING. My boys sometimes let me look at the FABULOUS things you all do together with your Mums and Dads.
    (Did I say that right?)
    The boys say I have to stop now. Thank you for sharing this with them... and ME. Sincerely, Lana

    OH MY DAWG.... We HOPE she doesn't insist on doing THIS often... what a Whack a Doodle she is... Sorry buddy.
    BUTT we DO agree with her... your peeps take you and Ernie to some GRAND places... that we would never EVER see otherwise... you have the BESTEST sets of Pawrents Ever.

  7. That place looks so cool Frank! Glad your peeps let you come along!!

    Love, Gampy

  8. Looks like SUCH a great time!


  9. Wow, where did you go it looks amazing !
    And, they let dogs in, even betters.
    I soooo want to go there !
    Loves and licky kisses
    Princess Leah xxx

  10. We so love seeing these photos of your world. Sometimes we pretend that we are with you!

  11. What a fantastic place to visit.
