Monday, 13 January 2014

I'm Still Here Everyone!

Me and Mum walking the Coal Trail

Hi Everyone!

I have been having some incredible technical issues with the computer so I haven't been around for a while, but I'm back now and I have missed all of you.

While I have been away I have had a lot of fun, long walks in the crisp cold sunshine and snuggles in the warm when it has been raining.

Love and Licks


  1. Welcome back Frank and yes we have missed you. Hope you are out enjoying the sun. Have a marvellous Monday.
    Best wishes Molly

  2. WE are so Sorry that you have had puter problems... and are THRILLED to have you back with us. THAT is super duper beclaws we have MISSED you somethingy fierce!!!

  3. There you are! Mom really dislikes those issues

  4. Hey Frank..we are glad to see you back and hear that your mom is feeling chipper and hope your technical issues of over.
    We would love for you to host a Match Making Booth. Please send us your email at candb214ATattDOT net.
    Hugs Madi your bfff

  5. Glad your back Frank! That Coal Trail sure looks interesting!

    Love, Gampy

  6. Hi Frank! Missed you and am so glad to see you back.
    Love Noodles

  7. Hey Frank ...

    Love Zoe, Peyton, Webster, Liberty & Whitney

  8. Glad to see you back Frank :) Wags from your pal Laika.

  9. Welcome back my friend! Glad to here that you have been having fun. No snow I see, so sorry! I'll enjoy mine extra hard just for you!

  10. Glad to see you Frank, we have been wondering where you have been.
    Mr Bailey, Hazel & Greta

  11. Hey Frank!
    Wow, I've missed you bunches and I'm so glad you're back! That's a really cool round wheel looking thing and I'd like to hear more about that walkie. Coal trail? There's a lot of coal mining near my territory. Hope your technotroubles are all fixed up!
    Grr and Woof,
    Sarge, Pol Comm

  12. Hi my friend. I have been thinking about you and then I saw you did a posty- and we are always amazed at the beauty in all the photos your mom takes of you and your world. Your world is pawsome!

  13. Frank please send us an email
    Re: queen of hearts match making...easy Rider would like to host it
    With you

  14. Hi Frankie, Love the photos your mum always takes. It is so cold here but we still get out for walks. Glad you are back in blogland.
    Wags, Noreen & Hunter

  15. Hi Frank, Welcome back and happy walkies!

    Wyatt and Stanzie

  16. Glad you are ok Frank! I hope you get everything sorted with your computer

    retro rover

  17. Hi Frank! Nice to see you... sorry about your technical problems. That's SO frustrating. My problem involves a fickle assistant who gets tired of blogging and then changes her mind and then gets tired of it again and... well, you get my drift. After 5+ yrs it's kind of hard to come up with anything new... plus she's just a total slacker on a good day. Just know that nothing is ever MY fault! BOL We love your header pic. Looks like you're stalking something fierce in the jungle.
