Monday, 18 February 2013

Sultan Pit Pony Walk in Penallta.

On Saturday, although cloudy I could feel spring in the air, the Daffodils were peeking through the soil and the birds were singing their songs, so Mum and Auntie Ashley took me to Panallta for a walk on top of Sultan the Pit Pony!

‘Sultan’ the Pit Pony is the UK’s largest figurative earth sculpture.  

There are so many different trails to choose from, but today we are going on sultans trail which is posted as a purple horse sign!

This is an award-winning trail called 'Sultans Ear Walk' which leads visitors on a tour of the beautiful country park. The route was chosen as one of the Top 50 walks in the UK !

This is me on top of Sultans back leg!

When Sultan was first constructed he didn't have a name, the locals nicknamed him 'Sultan' after one of the famous colliery ponies that were kept in Penallta Colliery.

Me and Auntie Ashley play as we walk!

Sultan is a giant horse measuring over 200 metres from nose to tail that leaps across the mountainside at this country park.

Sultan himself is made 99% from spoil on the colliery site, it was designed by an artist called Mick Petts. It represents the final freedom of the pit ponies when the collieries closed in 1991.

I just love to explore and the views are just wonderful up here!

Me on Sultans "Maine"

Running up Sultans "Maine"

Sultans Head, the Metal part is his ear!

Photos in Sultans ear!

Playing with Ben.

We had a wonderful time walking together but for now unfortunately we MOUSTACHE!



  1. Wow Frank it looks a bit cold where you are but still that was a pawsome walk. Have a marvelous Monday.
    Best wishes Molly

  2. Hi, Frank.

    What an imaginative idea! It is beautiful. The weather still looks cold to us. Hopefully spring will come soon. We're really tired of cold, damp weather, as you must be, too!

    Love and kisses,
    Minnie, Mack and Mario

  3. OH MY.... THAT is a HUGE pony fur sure. I would love to see an ARIAL view of that.

  4. That is a very big pony for sure. And so much fun to romp on. It's like riding a giant horse. Very cool. I can't imagine what it looks like from up in the air. I better Google that.

  5. We sure would like to be there with you. We are getting another round of winter this week.

    Your Pals,

    Murphy & Stanley
    Online Doods

  6. What a fun walk - that pony must be a bit like the Northumberlandia lady we went to visit last year - that's a huge parkland sculpture made from restoration of old coal mines too. Woofs and licks from Magic xx

  7. Wow, that's a totally pawsome sculpture! I bet he's a lot of fun to play on.

  8. That is so cool! I'm going to have to search the Internet for an aerial view.

  9. Whats a pit pony? What's a colliery?? We Yanks don't know these terms :-( Butt we do understand "walk" and play and fun and beautiful! What a great day!

    -Bart, Ruby and Otto

  10. Sure looks like a beautiful walk. Looks cold and foggy. What is a pit pony?
    Benny & Lily

  11. Once again I am totally jealous of the walks you go ons! That is an awesome place!

