Monday, 31 March 2014

Fun with Auntie Ashley!

Cuddles are the cure for the Monday Blues!

Saturday, 29 March 2014

My Saturday Sunshine Award!

I had this award from my good friend Laika thank you so much!

Rules to accept the award are:

Thank the person who gave the award to you - THANK YOU LAIKA!!

Name 10 things about yourself. 

Award 10 other bloggers the Sunshine award

10 things about me:

I really enjoy reading everyone's blogs but I get so busy with my adventures that I don't often have time to comment, but I do really appreciate all the hard work that goes on in Blogville!

I live in Wales but I am actually English not Welsh as I was born in Devon England (This gets a bit naughty when there are two different teams playing like in Rugby or Football!)

I love my Bionic Buddy Ernie a bit too much and often hump his head.

I would rather snuggle on the sofa then go out for adventures, Mum makes me go for walkies but I always enjoy them once I'm out.

I love my annual Dog Holiday and this year  we are celebrating out 5th year even though I'm only 4 years old!

I love all foodables but my favorite things to eat are burger meat, chicken, cucumbers and carrots!

I can do a lot of "dog tricks" including but not limited to giving my paw, high five, roll-over, lay down, sit, stay, speak and kiss.

I love to chase birds and cats in my garden but I'm a lover not a fighter and if any of them stood their ground I would be the one to run away.

I love to go swimming and I enjoy my bath!

I love to nominate other blogger for Awards because I really enjoy being a part of the Blogville community.  

My nominated Blogs are:


Friday, 28 March 2014

Friday and I sit and wait.....

Waiting for Daddy to come home, he will be home from working away soon and I am ready to greet him with licks, kisses and pug hugs! 

Thursday, 27 March 2014

Parc Penallta and V-E-T Walk.

While My Daddy was away with work Mum took me for a walk in Parc Penallta.

I love to go see the fishies in the ponds there

there are so many nice smells to snuffle

It was cloudy with a little rain but I was happy 

I love to run around the ponds

Then we walked all the way to the V-E-T

We had to walk under the bridge where there was a lot of pretty graffiti

How cute are the Pandas?

I had never walked this way before and it was really fun

We got to the V-E-T and I had my health check, I got weighed and I have lost weight!

I'm down from 15kg to 14.30kg

My Mum was very proud of me that I'm getting skinny, Dogtor said that I'm fit and healthy! 
It was a long walk and as soon as I got home I went to sleep!

Friday, 21 March 2014

Flashback Friday ~ Dog Holiday 2012

October 2012 was my Dog Holiday to Shropshire staying at the Old Sawmill.

I loved playing in the garden with Ernie.

As you can see I always have to be the center of attention.

While Me, Mum and Dad went on a walk, Ernie had to stay home with his Mum Sam because he was about to have his second operation to make him Bionic!

Me and Ernie spent a lot of time snuggling on this holiday!

Ernie with his Mum and Dad.

Mum with Ernie.

Ernie guarding The Dad's larger!

The Dads at the BBQ!

Ernie loves to sniffle things.

Mum and Dad flip burgers.

The Parewnts had food in a local pub.

When they got home we had some juicy leftover steak and gammon!

We had a little rain but it was fun to watch the raindrops fall with Ernie.

I didn't want to go home!

I had a fantastic time at The Old Saw Mill!

Friday, 14 March 2014

Happy Friday!

I'm so happy that it is Friday, I love the weekends! 

Thursday, 13 March 2014

Spring in my Step.

Today the sun was shining, the birds were singing and I had a spring in my little puggy steps!

Me, Mum and Auntie Ashley walked down the track.

I stopped to say hello to some friendly fish in the stream.

Daffodils were in bloom.

I played by the lake with a friendly fluffy dog.

We walked through the woods.

Then ....

Auntie Ashley and Mum made me tackle the STEPS!

onward and upward 

I guess this is part of my diet and exercise plan, I had better loose some weight at the V-E-T Check up at the end of this month.

More playing with new friends.

Me and Mum by the information sign, we stop for a  rest, a drink, some foods and a hug!

Where to go now???

The map says that home is that way, lets go!

We met a gorgeous ruby cavalier and Mum was just cooing all over her and her sister!

Once home I cuddled up on the sofa and I was asleep before my ears touched the blankets!