Tuesday, 26 August 2014

Tasty Tuesday ~ Blackberry picking my way!

The BEST Blackberries are found near the water and fortune favours the brave so I went down in the stream with Mum to pick some!

Look at all those blackberries down there.

Me and Mum pick the berries, good job Mum wore her wellington boots!

Enjoying the water.

Trying to nibble on berries.

Doing a bit of doggy padding amid the marsh plants.

I almost got tangled up.

Mum picked a whole box full of berries and she even gave me a few to eat.

Once we were done, I made my way back to the bridge.

Big shake before heading home to weigh our berries, Mum and Ashley are going to make jam!

Wow that is a whole lot of berries! 


  1. I like eatin berries - dey's real tasty!

  2. Wow that is a lot of berries indeed Frank. Enjoy. Have a terrific Tuesday.
    Best wishes Molly

  3. Yummy! I bet your momma couldn't have picked nearly so many berries without your close snoopervision.

  4. Mom loves those berries. The only thing we ever picked and sucked the juice out of was a tomato
    Lily & Edward

  5. I love the look of the humans when they had blueberries, the remind me of this chow-chow dogs lol

  6. Blackberry Jam...OMCs I think my mom might come calling.
    Frank you and mom make a great team.
    Hugs madi your bfff

  7. OMD OMD OMD FRANK.... Black Berry pickin along a CREEK... and look how many she got!!! WITH YOUR HELP, of course! It was very nice of her to SHARE them with you .... FRESH from the VINES...
    Every Evening we take our walk about the hill... and we stop at the RED Raspberries so mom can pick some fur US... well, she eats some also... We just stand out there and pick and eat and LOVE the SUMMER. If we lived Close together our mom's could MIX your BLACK with OUR RED and they could make a PIE or a COBBLER fur us. Wouldn't THAT be fangtastic?

  8. We love blueberries and strawberries, so we are sure we would enjoy some blackberries. Mom says blackberry jam and toast sounds scrumptious with a cup of hot tea on the side.

    Woos - Phantom, Ciara, and Lightning

  9. What a lot of Black Berry. Was the water cold Frank?

  10. OMD! Look at you wading in the creek. those berries look mighty delish!!! And thanks for grabbing a campaign button, it looks great on your sidebar!
    Mr Bailey, Hazel & Greta

  11. YUMMY! Will you have ice cream with those berries? BTW, we wonder if it is cold at your house?

    Your Pals,

    Murphy & Stanley
    Mayorz For All Paws
    "Use Your Noodle & Vote For A Doodle!"

  12. That looked like fun Frank. I have never had blackberries, only strawberries.Can you let me know how they taste. I wish I could go with you next time.

    Love Sasha
