Thursday, 7 August 2014

Safety Week is Coming!

It is Safety Information Week, Next Week and this will be a week of not only FUN but impawtant information to help keep you safe in all sorts of situations!

There will be lessons on plant dangers, travel safety, food safety, stranger danger, water safety, Zoomie safety, weather safety in storms and in hot weather, tree rat hunting safety and traffic safety, so you and your peeps can always stay safe! These lessons and tips will be both full of information and fun so don’t miss out!

I have my Safety Jacket on and I'm ready to give you my Traffic Safety Information!

Hope to see you all soon!


  1. Looking forward to it Frank. Have a tremendous Thursday.
    Best wishes Molly

  2. It is going to be an EDUCATIONAL and FUN week Frank. We can't WAIT to learn stuffs from our teachers... and on SATURDAY there will be a bIG BIG Pawty to celebrate.

  3. It's going to be a very important week
    Lily & Edward

  4. What a great week it is gonna be! Informative AND fun!
    Mr Bailey, Hazel & Greta

  5. I'm looking forward to Safety Week! We're going to learn SO much!

  6. And you look good in that jacket too. Real official!!

    Your Candidates for Blogville Mayors 2014,

    Murphy & Stanley
    Mayorz For All Paws

  7. As founder of the Yum Yum Coalition, and keeper of the Yum Yum Coalition Safe Foods Directory, I look forward to your doggie safety recommendations. Sincerely, Joseph (Joey dog) Stephens, Doggie Chief Inspector Comestibles Division. PS: I should get a jacket like that too! It looks very safe and official!

  8. Hey Frank!
    Wow, I can't wait to see your cool post! Thanks for getting the bark out and you look all kinds of handsome in your jacket. The girls will be swooning!
    Grr and Woof,
    Sarge, Police Commish

  9. Safety is very important and I know you will be giving us some good safety advise!
    I love your jacket!
