Wednesday, 24 October 2012

Dog Holiday 2012 ( Part 3 )

Another beautiful day at The Old Saw Mill and today I had an adventure!

I got to go for a walk in the countryside but because Ernie is going to be having his knee operation soon he couldn't come on a long walk, so the photo above is Ernie and his Mum waving us goodbye!

 Me and Dad walking in the Country lanes.

Me and Mum outside the Tea Room.

 Me and Dad outside the Tea Room.

 Walking back home.

Back to The Old Saw Mill.

While I was out on my Walk, Ernie was resting his little knees and having a sleep!

I run in and have a snuggle up to Ernie!

The Pawrents had a game of Monopoly!

 Mum won!

Sam, Ernie and Pete relax.

 Pete and Ernie have hugs!

Dad lights up the BBQ!

Nothing better to the Boys than Beer and a BBQ!

Ernie playing with a stick he found in the garden!

 The Bottles of Larger.

Ernie sniffing out something with his head in the plants!

A Tractor comes along through the field by our cottage.

Sam takes some photos.

 Me playing with my tug toy.

 BBQ Fun!

 Us Dogs waiting for the food!

Ok ... Wheres the food? All this waiting is getting exhausting!

Sam with her cool new gloves!

 Everyone loved the BBQ and me and Ernie also had some burger and pork chop! Yuuuumy!

 Playing Cranium is so much fun, the Pawrents seem to really enjoy it!

It's Hot Tub Time!

Sooo much going on today! I'm loving this Holiday, but now its time to ..... Zzzzzzzzzz....


  1. Hey Frank we get exhausted just reading about you and your peeps on holiday. Pity Ernie is grounded but bet he loves the chance for some extra shut eye. Wishing you continuing good weather. Have a wonderful Wednesday.
    Best wishes Molly

  2. You are having one great time! Poor Ernie, I hope he gets his knee fixed up real good. But I love the stick he found.

  3. Wow, I don't know how you have the energy to do all that stuff! I'd have to spend every other day napping.

  4. Hey Frank!
    Wow, this must be a really fun trip! Everyone looks so happy. Did you get some yummy cakes at that tea place? And BOL to that headless-Ernie pix! BWAR HAR HAR
    Grr and Woof,
    Sarge, COP

  5. Hi Frank! We didn't forget about you but hu-mom has been bad and not blogging!

    It looks like your vacation was great (as usual). We hope Ernie's knee surgery goes well. We'll be checking back in from time to time.

    Love you lots,
    Minnie, Mack and foster Mario

  6. Frank, the peeps, still hasing WAY too much fun. Less peep funs, more dog funs. After all, this DO be YOUR vacay, no?

  7. I am so happy that everyone enjoyed a wonderful holiday!

  8. Frank it keeps getting better and better. I love a walk that ends up at the tearooms ;-)

    Your peeps seem to be keeping themselves occupied but I wouldn't stress about not being allowed in the hot-tub...... looks like a big bath to me.....uch!

    Tail Wuggles, Rubie xxx
