Hi everyone, I haven’t been on the blog for a while but I haven’t been doing anything exciting so you haven’t missed much! I've been relaxing after Mum and Dads wedding. Mum and Dad have now given me the run of the house, I can go in all the rooms except the bathroom and the guest room and the doors are closed so I don’t sneak in. I'm happy I have more room to run around, I have had a sleep on Mum and Dads bed and I like to snooze on the sofa most days but what Mum and Dad don’t know is that I like to watch tele in the day and enjoy RSPCA Animal rescue! Hee,Hee! The weather hasn’t been very nice and the car broke down so Mum and Dad haven’t been able to take me anywhere nice or new, but they have a new car now so hopefully we can go on adventures next time Mum and Dad are off work together!

I went on a walk with Aunty Ashley and we saw shaggy little Donkeys - they were so cute!

Baby donkey!

Mum and Baby Donkey!

They walked away in to the field .... Awwwww they were nice!
AWWWWW! I Loved them! They were super cute! Wished they'd come right up to the fence! lol