Every Friday from now on will be "Flashback Friday" to show you all how cute I was as a puppy!

It's also another chance to show you the photos of me you haven't seen, before I started my blog!

Look! My tail was straight when I was a puppy!

I still love playing with all my toys!

I still have most of my puppy toys.

I have always been a poser in front of the camera!

Daddy's Boy - playing with Dad! One of my first toys was this blue rope chewy that Dad got me!

Getting a little bit too friendly with my pooh toy.

I used to love to take him everywhere with me.

Awwww soooo sweet! Me and Dad relaxing and smiling for the photo!

Random puppy moments.

Mummy's Boy - me and Mum have always enjoyed playing and cuddling together!

I love all the attention I get, especially all the kisses!

Mwwwwah! Kisses!!!!!
OMG! He is sooooo Cute! He's so small! awww! :D :)