Frank is off sick and has asked me, his Mummy, to do
today's blog entry - he had to be taken to the vet on Thursday with sickness and the poops, he pooped all in the kitchen and then was sick on Thursday morning three or four times and then later on in the day, he was pooping blood and was very sleepy, all he wanted to do was snuggle, his Dad was home looking after him, so we took him to the vet and the vet told us Frank had
Colonitis, an inflamation of the colon and large intestine cause by Frank eatting something yucky made on the floor on a walk. Frank was very brave and had three injections, the one injection was supposed to hurt and the Vet said Frank would yelp a bit but he
didn't he was such a brave boy! They gave us tablets to for him to take to stop the sickness, medicine to give to Frank 3 times a day, paste to build up his tummy lining twice a day and a special
prescription food to eat little and often.
I stayed homw with him all day Friday and the weekend to be with him.
He is doing very well and will be back on the blog tomorrow telling you his adventures with Ernie on the weekend and his view of being ill (love him) but today he is resting all snuggled up in his basket and sleeping!

Frank fed up of running back and fore outside to the toilet - not a happy puppy!
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